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The eProcurement System of IndianOil e-Tendering Portal enables the Tenderers to download the Tender Schedule free of cost and then submit the bids online through this portal.
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Latest Tenders  
Tender Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. Procurement of spares of Biffi branded MOV actuators for IOCL SERPL locations PHPM/24004 23-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 24-Sep-2024 03:00 PM
2. OSBL, Underground Piping and Fire Fighting Works 213102-00123-C-010 27-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 04:00 PM
3. Development of New A site Retail outlet at FROM KM STONE 23 TO 26 ON NH148B ON RIGHT HAND SIDE WHILE GOING FROM PANIYALA MOD TO NARNAUL under Gurgaon Divisional Office RCC/NR/DSO/ENG/LT-150/24-25 20-Sep-2024 05:30 PM 23-Sep-2024 10:00 AM
4. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of High Mast Tower, CCTV Camera and Boundary Fencing on additional Land at SERPL, Raipur SERPL/BBS/TS/2024-25/040 27-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 05:00 PM
5. Provision of Canopy work Group 2 at RO KSK Under Hissar Divisional Office of Delhi and Haryana State Office RCC/NR/DSO/ENG/LT-143/24-25 20-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 23-Sep-2024 05:00 PM
6. CANOPY MODERNIZATION OF RETAIL OUTLETS (FALSE RCC/NR/UPSO-2/ENG/LT-139/24-25 20-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 23-Sep-2024 09:00 AM
7. Fire and Gas Protection System Modification Work at NRPL Mathura PNP24049 27-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 03:30 PM
8. Balance work of PILING, UG and CIVIL STRUCTURAL WORKS FOR OFFSITES (PART-A) in existing Panipat Refinery (P-25 Project Work), Panipat Refinery RPRC243338 20-Sep-2024 02:30 PM 21-Sep-2024 03:00 PM
9. Rate Contract for Procurement of Fresh RFCC Catalyst for Barauni Refinery. RHQMM24310 03-Oct-2024 03:00 PM 04-Oct-2024 03:00 PM
10. Combined station works offloading Panipat PLCC/CSW offloading Panipat/CL/24090 04-Oct-2024 02:30 PM 07-Oct-2024 03:00 PM
Latest Tenders updates every 15 mins.    More...
Latest Corrigendums
Corrigendum Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. Corrigendum-I PNP24037 17-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 18-Sep-2024 03:30 PM
2. Corrigendum-I PNP24037 17-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 18-Sep-2024 03:30 PM
3. Corrigendum-I PNP24037 17-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 18-Sep-2024 03:30 PM
4. Extension of bid submission end date of the tender PLCC/Operations/TI/24077 16-Sep-2024 02:30 PM 17-Sep-2024 03:00 PM
5. Corrigendum 7 9070M24O44 20-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 21-Sep-2024 03:00 PM
6. Bid extension DSO/ENG/PT-09/2024-25 21-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 23-Sep-2024 05:00 PM
7. Extension5 9070M24O65 20-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 21-Sep-2024 03:00 PM
8. ADDENDUM03 TP/P-203168C001/T/IOCL-PBR/07 30-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 01-Oct-2024 04:00 PM
9. Bid Submission Extension HCC/LUB-27/LT-29/24-25 20-Sep-2024 11:00 AM 21-Sep-2024 11:00 AM
10. Technical Corrigendum 1 PWRJM24012 04-Oct-2024 11:00 AM 07-Oct-2024 11:00 AM
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